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рддрдд्рд╕рдо рдФрд░ рддрдж्рднрд╡ рд╢рдм्рдж рдХी рдкрд░िрднाрд╖ा,рдкрд╣рдЪाрдирдиे рдХे рдиिрдпрдо рдФрд░ рдЙрджрд╣ाрд░рдг - Tatsam Tadbhav

рддрдд्рд╕рдо рд╢рдм्рдж (Tatsam Shabd) : рддрдд्рд╕рдо рджो рд╢рдм्рджों рд╕े рдоिрд▓рдХрд░ рдмрдиा рд╣ै – рддрдд +рд╕рдо , рдЬिрд╕рдХा рдЕрд░्рде рд╣ोрддा рд╣ै рдЬ्рдпों рдХा рдд्рдпों। рдЬिрди рд╢рдм्рджों рдХो рд╕ंрд╕्рдХृрдд рд╕े рдмिрдиा...

Challenging Words from the Hindu newspaper 24 November 2018

1. Word: Cry wolf (अकारण शोर मचाना)

Pronunciation: krahy woo lf
Part of Speech: Phrase of wolf
Meaning: call for help when it is not needed, with the effect that one is not believed when one really does need help.
Synonyms: false alarm, alert, admonish
Antonyms: disenchant, honest, undeceive
Use in Sentence: One does not cry wolf with panic buttons.

2. Word: Acrimony (कठोरता)

Pronunciation: ak-ruh-moh-nee/ऐक्रिमोनी
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: bitterness or ill feeling.
Synonyms: Antipathy, Hatred, Rage
Antonyms: Benevolence, Courtesy, Peace
Use in a Sentence: At last, the dispute ended without acrimony.

3. Word: Contentious (कलहप्रिय)

Pronunciation: kuh n-ten-shuh s/कन्टेन्शस
Part of Speech: Adjective
        a. causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.

        b. involving heated argument.

Synonyms: quarrelsome, combative, belligerent
Antonyms: pacifist, friendly, amicable
Use in a Sentence: She has some contentious opinions on education.

4. Word: Accede (मान लेना)

Pronunciation: ak-seed/ऐक्सीड
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning:  to agree with someone or give in to his or her wish
Synonyms: consent, acquiesce, concur
Antonyms: deny, demur, disagree
Use in Sentence: I am not prepared to accede to that submission.

5. Word: Overarching (अति महत्वपूर्ण)

Pronunciation: oh-ver-ahr-ching/ओवरार्चिंग
Part of Speech: Adjective
         a. comprehensive or all-embracing.

Synonyms:  very important, urgent, essential, all-important, top of mind
Antonyms:  insignificant, unimportant, trivial, frivolous
Use in Sentence: The Supreme Court said that there have to be 'overarching' guidelines to guard personal information in the public domain.

6. Word: Culpable (दोषपूर्ण)

Pronunciation: kuhl-puh-buhl/कल्पबल
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: deserving blame.
Synonyms: blameworthy, guilty
Antonyms: unimpeachable, innocent, blameless
Use in Sentence: Their decision to do nothing makes them culpable.

7. Word: Refrain (रोकना)

Pronunciation: ri-freyn/रिफ्रैन
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: stop oneself from doing something.
Synonyms: cease, desist
Antonyms: persist, indulge
Use in a Sentence: We must refrain from smoking.

8. Word: Cordial (स्नेहपूर्ण)

Pronunciation: kawr-juhl/कॉर्जल
Part of Speech: Adjective
        a. courteous and gracious; friendly; warm

        b. strongly felt.

Synonyms: genial, amiable, cheerful, sociable
Antonyms: hostile, rude, aloof, rigid
Use in Sentence: We should maintain cordial relations with our neighbors.
*9. Word: Defiance (अनादर)*

Pronunciation: dih-fahy-uh ns/डिफाइअन्स
Part of Speech: Noun
       a. open resistance; bold disobedience.

Synonyms: opposition, confrontation
Antonyms: respect, docility
Use in a Sentence: She acted in defiance of my orders.

10. Word: Cede (त्याग करना)

Pronunciation: seed/सीड
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: give up (power or territory).
Synonyms: yield, surrender, relinquish
Antonyms: defend, refrain, arrogate
Use in a Sentence: The General had decided to cede power by this month.

11. Word: Denouement (निर्वहण)

Pronunciation: dey-noo-mahn/ डैनूमान
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: the outcome of a situation, when something is decided or made clear.
Synonyms:  outcome, upshot, consequence, result
Antonyms: embark, constant, commence
Use in a Sentence: By mid-evening, the play had reached its denouement.


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