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तत्सम और तद्भव शब्द की परिभाषा,पहचानने के नियम और उदहारण - Tatsam Tadbhav

तत्सम शब्द (Tatsam Shabd) : तत्सम दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है – तत +सम , जिसका अर्थ होता है ज्यों का त्यों। जिन शब्दों को संस्कृत से बिना...

India Hypertension Control Initiative ।।

➡️ It is a collaborative project of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), State Governments, WHO and ‘Resolve to Save Lives’- initiative of Vital Strategies.
➡️ It was launched in November 2017 
The primary goal of this project is to reduce morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)
#️⃣ It aims to:
@ Create patient-centred services .
@ Reduce reliance on bigger hospitals. 
@ Provide for regular monitoring of health facilities.

#prelim_2020 #Padhayi_Adda

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