๐ฐ To get a legendary card through chests is a matter of luck . Every chest has some probability of having a legendary card.
♻️ Here are the odds for Arena 7 Chests
❗️Free Chest - 0.1%
❗️Crown Chest - 0.4%
❗️Silver Chest - 0.03%
❗️Gold Chest - 0.2%
❗️Giant Chest - 0.7%
❗️Magical Chest - 4.4%
❗️Super Magical Chest - 26.1%
♻️ If in Arena 7 you open your chests everyday you are likely to get a legendary every 54 days.
♻️ Chests in higher arena contains more cards , so it improves your chances to get a legendary as you move up an arena.
♻️ Here are the odds for Arena 8 Chests -
❗️Free Chest - 0.1%
❗️Crown Chest - 0.6%
❗️Silver Chest - 0.03%
❗️Gold Chest - 0.2%
❗️Giant Chest - 1.0%
❗️Magical Chest - 5.7%
❗️Super Magical Chest - 34.2%
♻️ In Arena 8 , if you open your chests everyday you are likely to get a legendary every 42 days .
♻️ As you can see we have the highest of getting a legendary in Super Magical chest but unlike other chest drops , it is random. It has a 0.2% chance of dropping. You can say it will appear once in every 500 chests.
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