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तत्सम और तद्भव शब्द की परिभाषा,पहचानने के नियम और उदहारण - Tatsam Tadbhav

तत्सम शब्द (Tatsam Shabd) : तत्सम दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है – तत +सम , जिसका अर्थ होता है ज्यों का त्यों। जिन शब्दों को संस्कृत से बिना...

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय प्रवासी दिवस।।

❇️ 18 December

⛵️ International Migrant Day
Theme : 'Reimagining Human Mobility'

The day is celebrated annually to increase awareness and the equal protection of all human rights of migrants. The world is currently undergoing rapid change and growth.

🔶Mizoram CM Launches Employment Generation Project to assist Migrant Workers

🔶India tops the list of sending Most Number of Educated Migrants to OECD Countries: OECD Data

🔶Interstate Migrant Policy Index (IMPEX) 2019 released by India Migration Now, Kerala Top

🔷NITI AAYOG : Job platform for migrant labours : AMITABH KANT

🔶 UK CM launches Saur Swarojgar Yojana to generate self-employment youth, migrants

🔷Sonu Sood launches Pravasi Rojgar app to help migrants find job opportunities

🔶PM to launch ‘Atma Nirbhar Uttar Pradesh Rojgar Abhiyan’ for migrants

🔶UP provided employment to 57 lakh, highest under MGNREGA

🏵NMIS : National Migrant Information Syst.