✅Example : Tsunami→ Japanese word Harbour Waves
✅ First indication that tsunami is approaching is the rapid withdrawal of water from coastal region, followed by destructive wave.
✅ Due to earthquake => Indian plate moved under Burma Plate.
✅Some common methods to predict earthquake adopted locally by people→ studying animal behaviour, fish in ponds get agitated, snakes come to surface.
2. Tides
✅Rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice in a day is called tide.
✅High Tide→ when water covers much of the shore by rising to its highest level.
✅ Low Tide→ When water falls to its lowest level and recedes from the shore.
✅Cause→ The strong gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon on the
earth’s surface causes the tides.
✅The water of earth closer to the moon gets pulled under the influence of moon’s gravitational force and causes high tide.
1. Neap Tide
2. Spring Tide
✅Spring Tides: During full moon and new moon days. The sun, the moon and earth are in the same line and tides are highest. These tides are called spring tides.
✅Neap Tides: When moon is in its first and last quarter, the ocean waters get drawn in diagonally opposite directions by gravitational pull of sun and
earth resulting in Low Tides.
✅These tides are called Neap Tides.
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