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तत्सम और तद्भव शब्द की परिभाषा,पहचानने के नियम और उदहारण - Tatsam Tadbhav

तत्सम शब्द (Tatsam Shabd) : तत्सम दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है – तत +सम , जिसका अर्थ होता है ज्यों का त्यों। जिन शब्दों को संस्कृत से बिना...

विश्व गुलाब दिवस (कैंसर रोगियों का कल्याण)

❇️  22nd September

🎗World Rose Day (Welfare of Cancer Patients)

🎗World Rose Day is observed every year in different parts of the world on 22 September. This day is dedicated to cancer patients.

🎗Cancer is one of those deadly diseases which has a huge impact on patient's body and mind. The taxing nature of the treatment makes things very difficult for many patients and their caregivers.

🔸Carcinoma is a cancer that starts in the skin or tissues that line other organs.

🔸Leukemia is a cancer of bone marrow, which creates blood cells.

🔸The abnormal growth of cells in the body is known as Cancer or malignancy.

🔸Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy are most common types of treatment for cancer.

🔸Liver Cancer also known as The Silent Killer.

🔶Clovia Partners+Alliance  Insurance=Insurance Policy – ‘Women’s Cancer Shield’

Note : World Cancer Day: February 4