๐น About
1. The technology of producing machines or robots at the nanoscale
2. 'Nanobot' is an informal term to refer to engineered nano machines
3. They are robots that carry out a very specific function and are ~50–100 nm wide
4. They can be used very effectively for drug delivery
๐น Use of NanoTech
1. Nanotech detectors for heart attack
2. Nanocarriers for eye surgery, chemotherapy etc
3. Diabetic pads for regulating blood sugar levels
4. Nanosponges are polymer nanoparticles coated with a red blood cell membrane, and can be used for absorbing toxins and removing them from the bloodstream
5. NanoFlares are used for detection of cancer cells in the bloodstream
6. Nanopores are used in making DNA sequencing more efficient
๐น Govt Initiatives
1. Nano Science and Technology Mission (NSTM)
2. Nano Science and Technology Initiative (NSTI)
๐น Fact: A group of scientists has found a way to tackle issues pertaining to root canal treatments (dental procedures) using nanosized robots.
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