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तत्सम और तद्भव शब्द की परिभाषा,पहचानने के नियम और उदहारण - Tatsam Tadbhav

तत्सम शब्द (Tatsam Shabd) : तत्सम दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है – तत +सम , जिसका अर्थ होता है ज्यों का त्यों। जिन शब्दों को संस्कृत से बिना...

17 Things Every Girl Wants To Tell You 

17 Things Every Girl Wants To Tell You!!!

1. No, I don’t secretly enjoy my father, brother or boyfriend being possessive about me, because as a matter of fact, I am not any of their possession.

2. Yes, it is possible for a girl to hate children and not be “motherly” enough.

3. No, contrary to what you’ve been told in cinema for ages, I’m not spending my life waiting for my “prince charming.”

4. No, my sole aim in life is not to get married and have children, and yes, it is possible that I find the idea of marriage extremely suffocating and abominable.

5. No, I do not drive rashly to prove a point to men, but only because I have the right to be as daft as them! No, two wrongs don’t make a right, but my gender is not an excuse for my rash driving.

6. No, I don’t get impressed if you pull a chair for me, open the door for me or insist to pay the bill by yourself on a date; I’d rather have you deem me competent enough to do these things for myself.

7. No, I don’t consider diamonds my best friends. In fact, I only remember being told that they are by the agents of a capitalist order which the society has established.

8. No, I don’t think there’s anything embarrassing or impure about menstruation, if there is anything impure about it then it is your mind.

9. I do think that there can be a dignified life after rape, so don’t inject your own fears of losing your “honor” in my mind and tell me that a rape “outrages a girl’s modesty.”

10. Yes, I enjoy sex as much as you do, so when I sleep with someone, don’t tell me that I’ve been “used.”

11. Yes, I get offended when the waiters at weddings offer alcohol to my father and brothers, and coke or juice to me.

12. Although this may come as a surprise to you but, guess what, my parents might be as old and ailing as a man’s, they deserve to be taken care of as much as his, so don’t harp about “traditions” you devised for your own convenience. I may find nothing “beautiful” about a “woman’s journey from her father’s house to her husband’s.” Also, if this made you think that this is why it is important to have sons then really, my heart goes out for you!

13. Please try and come to terms with the fact that my sexuality belongs to me and is nobody else’s prerogative. So, kindly quit telling me when I should have sex, why it’s a taboo for me one day and why it suddenly becomes my “duty” towards a man who I’ve been told is my husband by a priest reciting some indiscernible mantras in front of me!

14. No, I don’t get a kick out of spending my boyfriend/husband/father’s money, buying clothes or shoes. Believe me! I’d rather buy them myself.

15. No, I don’t obsess over having gained an inch here or an inch there. You know what? Even if I do, it’s because you glibly set these absurd ideas of what you think is “attractive” that I reluctantly try and live up to.

16. Yes, I think I should know how to cook, but ONLY in order to survive and NOT to boost my marriage resume.

17. By the end of this, if you tell me “but I do respect women,” then I’d say “it’s sad that you respect women because they are women.”  How I’d rather have you say that you respect humans, all humans!