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तत्सम और तद्भव शब्द की परिभाषा,पहचानने के नियम और उदहारण - Tatsam Tadbhav

तत्सम शब्द (Tatsam Shabd) : तत्सम दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है – तत +सम , जिसका अर्थ होता है ज्यों का त्यों। जिन शब्दों को संस्कृत से बिना...

●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.

1. JOLT (VERB): (ऐंठना): convulse
Synonyms: disturb, jar
Antonyms: calm, comfort
Example Sentence:
His statement jolted me in my mind.

2. VERBOSE (ADJECTIVE): (वाचाल): wordy
Synonyms: gabby, circumlocutory
Antonyms: concise, succinct
Example Sentence:
He is a verbose man.

3. HERETIC (NOUN): (नास्तिक): schismatic
Synonyms: apostate, pagan
Antonyms: believer, follower
Example Sentence:
As a relapsed heretic, he was left to the secular arm.

4. COVERT (ADJECTIVE): (गुप्त): hidden
Synonyms: undercover, secret
Antonyms: open, known
Example Sentence:
Behind his soft behaviour he has some covert intentions.

5. DEFILE (VERB): (अपवित्र करना): corrupt
Synonyms: degrade, desecrate
Antonyms: honour, praise
Example Sentence:
He tried to defile the system.

6. WORSEN (VERB): (बदतर करना): deteriorate
Synonyms: get worse, exacerbate
Antonyms: improve, soothe
Example sentence:
This policy could actually worsen the economy.

7. CONCURRENTLY (ADVERB): (समानान्तर रूप से): simultaneously
Synonyms: all at once, all together
Antonyms: imbalanced, upset
Example sentence:
He is eating and dancing concurrently.

8. PUSH (VERB): (बढ़ाना): advance
Synonyms: boost, hype
Antonyms: repress, dissuade
Example sentence:
The manager pushed the production.

9. CRISIS (NOUN): (संकट): catastrophe
Synonyms: disaster, trouble
Antonyms: calm, peace
Example sentence:
He helped me in the times of crisis.

10. SLUMP (NOUN): (मंदी): decline Synonyms: depreciation, downtrend
Antonyms: ascent, rise
Example sentence:
This year, we saw a slump in profits.