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तत्सम और तद्भव शब्द की परिभाषा,पहचानने के नियम और उदहारण - Tatsam Tadbhav

तत्सम शब्द (Tatsam Shabd) : तत्सम दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है – तत +सम , जिसका अर्थ होता है ज्यों का त्यों। जिन शब्दों को संस्कृत से बिना...

Important facts about Human Body (Biology)।।

1. Average Body Weight - 70 k.g.
2. Average Age - 60 year
3. Average Alimentary Canal Length - 8 metres
4. B. M. R. (Bacal Metabolic) Rate - 1600 k. cal/day
5. Breathing Rate - 16-20 per 
6. Blood Volume - 5-6 litres in (70 kg body)
7. Blood Platelets count - 2,00,000-4,00,000 percubi mm
8. Blood Clotting time - 2-5 minutes
9. D.L.C. (Differential Leucocyte)
(a) Basophils 0.5-1%
(b) Eosinophils 1-3%
(c) Momocytes 3-8%
(d) Neutrophil 40-70%
(e) Lymphxcytes 20-25%
10. Dental Formula 2123/2123 = 32 (adult)
2120/2120 = 20 (Child) Milk teeth
11. E.S.R. (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) - 4-10 minute
12. Gestation Period - 9 months (253-266 days)
13. Greatest Regeneration Power - In liver
14. Haemoglobin Percentage 
In male – 14-18 gm/100 ml of blood
In female – 12-16 gm/100 ml of blood
15. Haemoglobin Content of the Body -500-700 gm
16. Longest Bone -Femur or thigh bone
17. Life Span of RBC - 120 days 
18. Life Span of WBC - 2-5 days
19. Largest Endocrine Gland - Thyroid
20. Largest Gland - Liver
21. Largest Body Muscle - Gluteus maximus (Buttock muscle)
22. Largest Artery - Abdominal aorta
23. Largest Vein - Inferior vena cava
24. Largest WBC - Monocyte
25. Longest Nerve - Sciatic nerve
26. Longest Cell - Neuron or nerve cell
27. Largest Organ of the Body - Skin
28. Menstrual Cycle - 28 days
29. Menopause Age - 45-50 years
30. Minimum Regenerative Power - In Brain Cells
31. Minimum Distance for Proper Vision - 25 c.m.
32. Number of Cells in the Body - 75 trillion
33. Normal Blood Pressure - 120/80 mm of Mercury
34. Number of RBCs - In Female–4.5-5 million/
35. Normal WBC Count - 5,000-11,000/
36. Normal Body Temperature - 98.40F or 370C
37. Number of Cranial Nerves - 12 Pairs
38. Number of Spinal Nerves - 31 Pairs
39. Normal heart Beat - 72-75/minute
40. Normal Sperm Count - 200-350 million per ejaculation
41. Pulse Rate - 72/minute
42. PH of Gastric Juice - 1.4
43. PH of Urine - 6.0
44. PH of Blood - 7.35-7.45
45. PH of Bile - 7.5
46. PH of Pancreatic Juice -8.5
47. Smallest bone Stapes - (Ear ossicles)
48. Smallest Muscle in the body - Staepedius
49. Smallest WBC - Lymphoctes
50. Types of Placenta - Haemochorial (Chorioallantoic)
51. Thinnest Skin - Conjuctiva
52. Total Number of Bones - 206
53. Total Number of Muscles - 639
54. Universal Blood Donor - O Rh + ve
55. Universal Blood Recipient - AB
56. Volume of Semen - 2-4 ml/ejaculation
57. Weight of Brain - 1,400 gm