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तत्सम और तद्भव शब्द की परिभाषा,पहचानने के नियम और उदहारण - Tatsam Tadbhav

तत्सम शब्द (Tatsam Shabd) : तत्सम दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है – तत +सम , जिसका अर्थ होता है ज्यों का त्यों। जिन शब्दों को संस्कृत से बिना...

General Knowledge of basic Geography।।

In English

1. Who is called the 'father of geography'? - Hikatius
2. Who is the author of 'Geographica'? - Eratosthenes
3. What is the number of planets in the solar system? - 8
4. Which is the largest planet? - Jupiter
5. Which are the two planets which do not have satellites? - Mercury and Venus
6. Which planet takes the maximum time in an orbit around the Sun? - Neptune
7. Asteroids in the solar system are small celestial bodies, which two planets are they found between? - Between Mars and Jupiter
8. What is the name of the planet called 'twin sister of Earth'? - Venus
9. What is the unit to find the distance between stars? - Light years
10. Which is the heaviest planet? - Jupiter

11. How many descent (degrees) the earth has tilted on its axis? - 23 1/2 °
12. Which planet is the farthest from the Sun? - Neptune
13. In which direction does the sun rotate on its axis? - East to West
14. Where is the 'Sea of ​​Tranquility'? - on the moon
15. Which is the smallest planet? - Wed
16. Who is called the 'Father of the Solar System'? - to the sun
17. Which is the hottest planet in the solar system? - Venus
18. The stars of which constellation point to the pole? - Saptarshi
19. How long does Saturn take to revolve around the Sun? - 29.5 years
20. How long does Uranus take an orbit around the Sun? - 84 years
21. What distance does the earth travel around per minute? - 49 km
22. Whose color is the indicator of the star? - of its temperature
23. Which planet emits green light? - Neptune
24. How long does the sun take to revolve around the center of our galaxy? - 25 million years
25. Which is the most valid theory of the origin of the universe? - Big Bang Theory

26. What is the Earth's galaxy called? - Mandakini
27. What is the group of coldest and brightest stars in the Earth's galaxy called? - Orian Nebula
28. Which planet's daytime values ​​and its axis tilt are roughly equivalent to the Earth's daylength and tilt? - Neptune's
29. What is the boundary outside which stars suffer from internal death? - Chandrasekhar Seema

30. What is the first discovered asteroid? - Cirrus
31. 'Black Hall theory' was given by - s. By Chandrasekhar
32. Which is the biggest star of the universe? - Spinal oregi
33. How many degrees of inclination is there in the orbital plane of the earth and the moon? - 5 ° C
34. Which is the brightest star in the sky? - Cyrus (Dog Star)
35. Which celestial body is called 'Earth son'? - Moon
36. What is the reason for the twinkle of the star? - Refraction of light
37. Due to which event the color of sky appears blue? - Due to scattering
38. How far is 'Andromeda' from our galaxy? - 2.2 million light years
39. On which planet the spacecraft Magellan was sent? - Mars
40. Which planet in the Solar System is closest to the Sun? - Wed
41. Which planet is approximately equal to the size of Earth? - Venus
42. How long does it take for light to come from the Sun to the Earth? - 8 minutes, 16.6 seconds
43. How do the astronauts see the color of the sky? - Black
44. Which star is closest to the earth? - Sun
45. What is the pulsar that rotates quickly and leaves high radio waves? - neutron star
46. ​​What is an explosive star in the universe called? - Abhinav Tara
47. What is an astronomical distance? - Distance between Earth and Sun
48. Who discovered the solar system? - Copernicus
49. On which planet is Nix Olympia, the highest mountain in the Solar System? - on mars
50. What distance is a light year equal to? - 9.46 × 1012 km