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तत्सम और तद्भव शब्द की परिभाषा,पहचानने के नियम और उदहारण - Tatsam Tadbhav

तत्सम शब्द (Tatsam Shabd) : तत्सम दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है – तत +सम , जिसका अर्थ होता है ज्यों का त्यों। जिन शब्दों को संस्कृत से बिना...

National Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Mission।।

🛑Early childhood education: Aims to ensure quality early childhood care and education for all children between 3-6 years by 2025

🛑Foundational literacy and numeracy: special attention paid to early language and mathematics in Grades 1-5. Aims to ensure that every student in Grade 5 and beyond must achieve foundational literacy and numeracy by 2025.

🛑Curriculum and pedagogy: A new developmentally- Appropriate curriculum and pedagogical structure for school education based on principles of brain development and learning has been developed based on a 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 design.

🛑Universal access: Aims to achieve 100% Gross Enrolment Ratio for all school education by 2030 through various measures.

🛑Regulation of Schools: Regulation and operations of schools will be carried out by separate bodies to eliminate conflicts of interest. There will be clear, separate systems for policy making, regulation, operations and academic matters.

🛑This Policy aims to achieve 100% youth and adult literacy by 2030.

🛑Aims to provide access to vocational education to at least 50% of all learners by 2025.

🛑Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog or National Education Commission will be formed, headed by the Prime Minister - this will be the custodian of the vision of education in India.

🛑The current 800 universities and 40,000 colleges will be consolidated into about 15,000 excellent institutions.

🛑Each higher education institution will be governed by an Independent Board.

🛑Will be launched by December 2020
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