◇ Transitional type of climate found between Equitorial forests and Trade wind hot deserts.
◇ Best developed in Sudan hence named Sudan climate.
◇ Rainfall
• Sudan type of climate characterized by an Alternate hot, rainy season and cool, dry season.
• In the Northern hemisphere, the hot, rainy season normally begins in May and lasts until September.
•In the southern hemisphere, Rainy season from october to march.
◇ Temperature
• Temperature ranges between 70°F and 90°F for lowland stations.
• An annual temperature range of 20°F is typical.
◇ Winds
• Trade winds bring rain to coastal district.
• Strongest in summer but dry by the time reaches Continental interiors or western coasts of Continents.
• Landscape has tall grass and short trees. The term Parkland or bush - veld used to describe that.
• The trees are deciduous, shedding their leaves in cool, dry season.
▪︎SOURCE - ๐ G.C. Leong.
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